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jQuery(document).ready(function(){ var unavailableDates = []; function unavailable(date) { var ymd = date.getFullYear() + "-" + ("0"+(date.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + "-" + ("0"+date.getDate()).slice(-2); var day = new Date(ymd).getDay(); if (jQuery.inArray(ymd, unavailableDates) < 0 ) { return [true, "enabled", ""]; } else { return [false,"disabled","Closed"]; } } jQuery('.pickup-date').datepicker({ minDate: "+0D", maxDate: "+730D", beforeShowDay: unavailable, numberOfMonths: 2, dateFormat: 'mm/dd/yy', firstDay: Read More Read More
10 years ago Posted in: Buy , Rent , Reservation

Norwegians Take United for a Ride

A little known Norwegian airline website named Widerøe generated a tremendous amount of buzz and a lot of very happy customers this weekend when word got out that supposed unintentional error in their reservation system was allowing people to book international tickets on United Airlines and its affiliated carriers at incredibly low prices. As sometimes Read More

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